Sunday, May 11, 2014

Have You Experienced Financial Pain in Your Efforts to Make Money Online?

Let me first say Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers!

My Goodness!

I was discussing a money making program with a guy I've known for a long time.  I asked him to take a look at a site where people can sign up and make money by purchasing advertising.  There was a catch to it.  People pay an admin fee and then buy a position in a cycler. 

Low and behold the guy actually checked out the money making website and sent me a reply.  He said that it wasn't anything special to him because it was a cycler.  He also said, "Too many people get hurt financially in those."

Have you had situations where you experienced financial pain?  What is that?  Can money actually hurt?  No, I'm just kidding.  I know what the guy was saying.  I have lost money in programs too.  I have lost money in cycler programs also. 

What I try to do, though, is to look at how these programs are structured.  Do they have a way to make it possible for an individual to make money?  Not the individual and a host of referrals.  Does it have a way to sustain itself for the long haul?  Is there a lot of support for the entry level positions?  And by the way, the program I was asking this giant of a marketer to look at was Track Your Income.  It hit a home run on every one of the questions I asked.

I wish all of the make money online program owners would create list of all three of these questions with a check box beside each question.  He should check to see if he can put a check mark in all of the boxes.  If so, that program owner will win in the make money online or work at home game.

So, that rant is over, but it ties in with what I have been trying to promote in this Trends 'n Stuff blog lately.  We have been talking about a team build.  It is really an easy 4 step process...
Let's evaluate that process based on the questions that I posed above.
Possible for the individual to make money... well for the short answer; no.  But like I said, we have a team build for the program meaning all of us work together to bring in the referrals.

A way to sustain itself for the long haul... yes, it is built to have those who come in to continue driving the system up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.  From a $9 entry fee to hundreds of thousands is a pretty long haul in my opinion.

Lots of support for the entry level... for the short answer; no.  But again, we work as a team to help everyone get their people on the first level.  I am doing that by use of a rotator where I add everyone's referral link to the rotator and help get referrals for them.

Having done my due diligence for today, I think I can safely say that there is really no worry for anybody to experience financial pain in your efforts to make money online or work from home with Direct Pay Biz

Oh, almost forgot... Tell everyone you saw Leon today, Okay?

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